elega Elega Corporation

A Big Update for 2025

Elega Corporation continues to work on its key projects as we make headway into 2025. I am excited to make some new announcements in this post such as a status update for Kalling Kingdom receiving an overhaul in our own game engine, Norwegian language translation for the Elegant Dev Storytime series on YouTube, and for the first time in over a year: the beginnings of a renewed (and partly repaired) relationship with Pluralsight as a training content partner. Please continue reading below.

Kalling Kingdom in the New Aperture Engine

Steady work continues on the Kalling Kingdom port out of the Unity engine and into our new proprietary game engine. In general, this is a line for line code conversion in terms of the spirit behind the port. It is important to keep the scope of the project, which is a heavy lift and a new technical milestone compared to what I have done in the past with my personal experience, manageable by containing the goal to the original functionality of the game as it is known by players. There are some updates that, while mostly cosmetic, are easily tackled during the porting process, and one of them is the introduction of the Available People and Unemployed People panels. These are brand new user interface updates that will only be present in this upcoming update of the game in our own engine.

We are hoping to begin beta testing of the new version of the game some time between late March and early April. As some may know from following me on social media, the game will be included in Steam's City Builder Fest in March.

We hope to have significant updates to the game coming throughout the rest of the year and will be providing status related information on the game and our new engine too.

Elegant Dev Storytime... in Norwegian!

Our focus remains on getting Kalling Kingdom completely finished and so I have not had time to create new episodes of Elegant Dev Storytime but the show will return. We are launching a new translation of the show in the Norwegian language (Bokmål). Norwegian subtitles will be added to the English version of the show on the existing YouTube channel, and we will provide a new Norwegian voice narrated version of the show on a new YouTube channel. The new YouTube channel will have both dubbed versions of the show as well as brand new episodes in the future that have spoken Norwegian by default. In other words, we will be recording some episodes as alternate takes of each voice clip that will be spoken in Norwegian, in addition to recording the same given episode in English.

Language Translations for Kalling Kingdom?

With the reveal that this new Norwegian version of the YouTube series will be available in Norwegian, one might wonder if we are planning on adding multi-lingual support to Kalling Kingdom. The answer is, of course, yes, although the timeline for this has not yet been established. We have a long list of other items to solve before we can add multi-language support to the game but it is in our long-term plan to add additional languages to Kalling Kingdom. When we begin adding other languages, we are likely starting with Spanish and Norwegian in addition to the current English version.

Why Norwegian?

It is a reasonable question to wonder why we are picking Norwegian as our first multilingual endeavor and the answer is incredibly simple - I am personally studying Norwegian and therefore it makes sense as a language to pick that will be supported by both automated translation technologies as well as verification from me as a student of the language. Reaching a new audience in Norway also makes sense for us as we slowly consider a more global presence as a digitally oriented business. We tend not to serve customers local to Texas, for instance, and we have no retail store or any kind of brick-and-mortar presence. With that in mind, it is important we continue expanding accessibility of our products and offerings. This is certainly a difference to the past strategy of English-language-only content.

New Pluralsight Courses Coming Soon

For the first time in over a year, Elega Corporation will be producing Salesforce technology training content on the Pluralsight learning platform. I have begun work on a series that targets regular users of Salesforce instead of development and administrator related content. This series will focus on a non-technical audience that encounters the Salesforce platform in their daily work and are seeking to understand the basics of how to work with Salesforce as a system.

We hope that this recently renewed relationship with Pluralsight will help us in our broader future strategy of creating new content going forward and will help further fund the time investment required to complete our new game engine, complete Kalling Kingdom, begin further work on our second game, and develop more software in the future.


I know it has been a very long time since I have posted one of these blog posts - I am happy to report that Elega Corp is not at all a dead endeavor and we are working hard to create new products and reach new audiences. I have excited to finish Kalling Kingdom and provide a completely overhauled version of the game. We have begun conceptualizing for game 2 as well and have a lot of work to put into that. Just like in prior years - our entire year is basically already booked! There is no shortage of things to do and we already know the beginnings of not just our 2025 plans but our 2026 plans too!

Thanks for reading - stay tuned for more!